In With Flynn, The Boss Behind the President
Flynn gave the Bronx a reputation for political independence, intelligence and integrity. It was the goo borough, even a capital of civilized thought.-Allen Nevins (1890-1971), biographer who won two Pulitzer Prizes and pioneered the establishment of the oral history movement.  Malcolm MacKays new political biography of Edward J. Flynn is a lively and extremely relevant study of politics in New York State from the 1920s through the 1940s, which illuminates the critical interplay of statesmanship and politics in New York State, and throughout the New Deal in Washington. Mr. MacKays book underlines the importance that the governatorial administration of Al Smith played as an intellectual and political precursor of the New Deal, and highlights the critical importance of Ed Flynn as both a politician and statesman, as well as vital link between Democratic Party politics and the accomplishment of New Deal policy initiatives. In this time of political drift and anomie, it is a vital reminder of this continuing relationship between politics and statecraft. Portrayal of key players such as Al Smith, Wendell Wilkie, James Farley and Fiarello Laguardia are colorfully and finely etched. Required reading for the 2020 election.
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