Indigenous Peoples in the Wake of Mabo
For 265,000 indigenous people in Australia it's not a lucky country.Indigenous Peoples: In the Wake of Mabo is a contribution to the debate in Australia of issues affecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. This collection of papers presents information specifically related to the High Court's revolutionary judgement in the Mabo land rights case, along with discussions of human rights in relation to indigenous people, commentaries on current social and political conditions and their impact, and essays on Aboriginal culture.Indigenous Peoples: In the Wake of Maboreminds us of the rich diversity of indigenous culture and the complex range of problems faced by indigenous people.Contributors: Vafa Payman, Thomas Jones, Farin Sanaei, Graham Hassal, Graham Nicholson, Elizabeth Hindson, Dr Kamál Puri, Commissioner Irene Moss, The Honourable Justice Marcus Einfeild, Margaret Stephenson, June Perkins,
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