Intensive Culture Of Vegetables On The French System - With A Concise Monthly Calendar Of Operations
Originally publishe in 1913. Intensive Culture of Vegetables on the French System. With a Concise Monthly Calendar of Operations. CONTENTS include: . CHAPTER . PAGE . I .INTRODUCTON . ... ... .., ... I LIST OF PLATES. Intensive Culture Vegetables. CHAPTER I. Introductory. Les recoltes se succident de six en six semaines et apris chacune, lhomme retrouve sa terre aussi vaillante et aussi docile quauparavant. Parce quil Zui est devoub, il la posskde comme personne ne la posseda jamais, comme jamais amant ne posseda SCL ma. itresse.- La Cite Chinoise-G. Eng. Simon. Crops succeed one another every six weeks and after each the cultivator finds his soil as productive and as workable as before. Because he is devoted to it, he esteems it as no one ever esteemed it before, and as no gallant has ever esteemed his lady love. ONCE the meaning of this quotation is fully understood, it will give a fair idea of the spirit that should dominate the enthusiast in the intensive culture of vegetables. The cultivator must be devoted to and interested in his work and really love the land, the mother of all wealth and production and the most important asset at his disposal. The aim of this system is not so much what a crop will bring or what profit is to be derived, as to obtain from the land all that God wanted us to get from it for our welfare, livelihood, and happiness. In this mercenary age, the love of gain dominates all our actions. We are always calculating on the highest returns for the least exertion, and we are often led to believe that practice of a method is accompanied by big profit. Fortunately we find our mistake at an early date, and as the corollary of this love of gain has forced us to specialize in a particular branch of production if we desire to compete successfully. We all have a natural tendency towards gardening that manifests itself from the earliest age, but it can only be adopted as a profession when we have trained ourselves in one of its numerous branches. T
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