Is Your God My God?
Is your God my God? Is it possible that we all love, pray and believe in merely one god? Is it possible that some of us are doomed to hell because we do follow the rules of “your” God? I find this difficult to believe, as some of the kindest people I have ever met are Muslims. Their devotion to their religion was incredible and they always adhered to the rules of “their god.” I remember a day in Pakistan in which a lady and I spoke for hours about religion. It was truly enlightening! At the end of our conversation, she stated, “I love your God like my God.” We must love the same God! I cried tears of joy and admiration. Another time, after teaching several women at a university in Yemen, the students came to my apartment before departing to give me a dozen roses as a thank you for honestly talking to and helping each of them. They were all kind, giving, and as curious about my faith as I was about theirs.
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