Josh Martin Space Commander
Josh Martin Space Commander begins with a bored teen-aged boy escorting his little brother at Disney World. He finds love and adventure on Space Mountain.Josh Martin finally manages to get a date with a girl hes been chasing the whole school Year, but his father has won his companys sales contest and the family will go to Walt Disney World instead. Josh must escort his little brother, George, through the park while his parents attend the sales convention functions.While waiting in line at Space Mountain, he is presents with a Mouse Gate pin. Josh and George board the sled, but Josh doesnt notice the cast member pushing a button on the sled. As they start the ride, Josh is suddenly propelled into another dimension.Now begins Joshs Mouse Gate Adventure!M. L. Hollinger is a retired Air Force officer with a vivid imagination. Hes been writing since grade school, but only began a serious attempt at novels and short stories after fully retiring in 2001. Science fiction is a natural genre for him, stemming from eleven years work on the military space program and serving as liaison officer with NASA on the Space Shuttle program.
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