Just Another Innocent Life
BASED on ACTUAL EVENTS: Masterfully crafted from the life and experiences of author Algernon, ‘Just Another Innocent Life’ fuses fact with fiction to embroil readers not only in the murder of a police detective’s daughter, but the scandal that could leave one young African American thrown behind bars for a crime he had no involvement in. That young man was Algernon, a maverick now bravely telling his story through a cinematic new book. David won over Goliath last time…but can he triumph once again in the cocktail of corruption that is modern-day America?The death of a police detective’s young daughter rocks a town and creates a scandal, which exposes many dark secrets as the lover of the cop’s wife is charged in the unthinkable crime.Defense Attorney Michael Petagnas – a former Prosecutor who now practices on the other side of the aisle, represents the young man who claims to have no involvement in the first-degree murder. Preparing to go head-to-head against his former understudies in this very high profile, David versus Goliath trial, Petagnas hires Private Investigator Nick McLean. The street savvy investigator believes that there is much more to the story, and begins to uncover levels of corruption and police misconduct. He vows to discover the truth and prevent the young minority defendant from becoming the second victim of a heartless cover up, and just another innocent life.
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