Kelly and the Giant Lie Named Mr. Myth
Kelly and the Giant Lie Named Mr. Myth is an engaging account of a little girl who struggles with low self-esteem and believing that God loves her. Mr. Myth, her imaginary friend, gives life to her thoughts of inadequacy and confusion. When Kelly looks into the mirror, hes there looking over her shoulder telling her shes ugly, she does not fit in, and nobody loves her. And, that includes her parents.The challenges Kelly endures are real for many young girls of all races and backgrounds. Shes been taught that God loves her, that she is made in His own image, and that she is beautiful. But, that is not what Kelly sees when she looks into the mirror. Her strong features and coarse hair taunt her and help to make the lies that Mr. Myth tells her feel so real. We are all created in the image of God, and the devil does not want any of us to accept that truth. Mr. Myth grows as Kelly continues to believe his lies. But, will Kelly ever come to know the truth? Or will she always be blinded to Mr. Myths lies?Kelly and the Giant Lie Named Mr. Myth is great story that will speak to the hearts of many young people. This book will help them to see themselves and learn that the challenges of self-image, confidence, and belief in God are not theirs alone. And, their feelings of inadequacy, of not being accepted, of not being pretty enough, and not being loved can be overcome by the power of God.
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