Lazy Writers Guide to Twitter
Want to learn how Twitter can be an effective (and profitable) part of your social media for authors blueprint?Curious about how to turn all those tweets, retweets and hashtags into a successful pillar of your self publishing business plan?Looking for a NO B.S. and super-simple guide to using Twitter, and its strange set of rules and customs, to boost your self publishing marketing efforts?Well, in...Lazy Writer's Guide to Twitter - Social Media for Authors Collection Vol.2 you'll learn, in this no-nonsense collection of book promotion ideas, such tasty morsels as:"How to Build an Army of Rabid Twitter Fans (in No Time)" - And we don't just mean followers...but rabid fans...who are the precise people who are likely to buy your books. In this chapter I'll show you some ninja ways to eavesdrop on your future readers and provide real fuel to your writer promotion activity."How to Set Up a Kick-Ass Twitter Marketing Funnel" - To make sure all those tweets are a fundamental part of your self publishing marketing plan, you need to ensure that all roads lead to a "conversion" that boosts the bottom line of your business. In this chapter I'll show you how to optimize things so you wring every ounce of promotional goodness from the Twitter-verse."The Ultimate "What to Tweet, When to Tweet and How to Tweet" Cheat Sheet" - There are many Twitter for Authors books out there, but not any of them will tell you exactly when to tweet, what to tweet and how to structure your tweets for maximum promo impact. In this chapter I show you the exact cheat sheet I use every single day."Tools & Resources to Make Your Twitter Life a Helluva Lot Easier" - The best thing about Twitter -- it sure ain't the polite discourse -- is the ability to "set it and forget it." In this chapter we'll talk about how to outsource and offload all that Twitter heavy lifting to tools and apps, so the proce
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