Liams Life with Autism Sensory Overload
Liams Life with Autism, Sensory Overload is a story of a boy name Liam that has autism. Liam has been diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD). SPD can manifest itself in two different forms, hypersensitivity and hyposensitivity. Liam suffers with hypersensitivity which means he has extreme sensitivity to noise, crowds, touch, texture, bright lights, certain clothing, and a change in routine. The book allows you to see how SPD can interfere with an autistic childs daily function. Because the environment impacts Liams life so profoundly, all situations can be full of stress and painful in Liams everyday life. Liam is like any other boy who enjoys playing with his favorite toy, dancing, or just being around the people he loves but because of his speech limitations, he cannot express his feelings, his wants or needs. When Liam is faced with the inability to express himself, he becomes frustrated and acts out inappropriately which causes people to misunderstand Liam as being bad when, in fact, hes just mad.
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