Life And Adventures Of Ned Buntline
The life history of Col. Edward Zane Carroll Judson (Ned Buntline) makes for a truly thrilling tale. His career, from boyhood to middle age, was a succession of adventure by land and sea; as a sportsman and angler in the Adirondacks, as a midshipman in the navy, a soldier in the Seminole war, the Mexican war, the four years of warfare between North and South, and in the Indian wars of the Wild West. The chapters of this book include: 1919 Anecdote of Frank Forester; Boyhood, Early Adventures, and First Story; In the Semisole War and in Gotham; The Novelists Intense Patriotism – Ned Buntlines Own; Life in the Adirondacks – A Hunters Home; Ned Buntline in the Civil War, et cetera. This antiquarian book is being republished now complete with a specially commissioned new introduction.
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