Living Your Joy
JOY. It’s intangible, but personally defined, It’s a feeling of internal “all is well in the world-ness”. It eclipses the emotions of happiness into a state of pure bliss. Some joy is quiet and serene like rocking a child to sleep. Other joy is loud and exuberant like finishing a race you’ve trained for or completing a project that has taken months, or even years, to finish.Joyce Graham has put together a collection of introspective essays by people who intentionally seek out activities, practices, adventures, and people that bring them JOY. Joyce, along with the other authors in this book, is purposefully living out her life in a joy-filled space.Joyce finds joy in her morning ritual of watching the sunrise, drinking tea, engaging in meditation, then taking a brisk walk and finishing up with Qi Gong. To bring that energy into the rest of her day, she writes, hangs out with her cat, and she selectively spends time with people she loves and who enrich her life.Every person is different, and what brings you joy is so distinct and individual that no two people will ever experience joy in exactly the same way. Our hope is that you will be inspired by these essays to actively seek your unique experience of joy.After a serious health scare, an attorney found her joy through her love of horses. She had always loved horses as a child, and then during her rehabilitation time, she spent countless hours with her horse connecting with her true spirit and the beautiful natural environment around her.A musician writes that his life’s joy was discovered by playing in a band. He shares that singing or playing an instrument tends to raise endorphins, accelerate our heart rate—and open up our hearts to the many emotions we convey in song.One woman speaks of finding joy on a walk. In a simple everyday stroll through a nature path close to home, she envisioned Joy as a person that she could summon at will by capturing a vision of “her&rdq
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