Looking thru the Fence/ Diamonds in the Rough
This is an instructive self-help book, revealing the destructiveness of domestic abuse and violence. It gives the answer to those who question why domestic abuse and violence happens. Voncele Savage tells about her life in an abusive marriage for over forty years. She is an author, retired teacher and licensed evangelist that has become a devoted advocate against domestic abuse and violence (DAV). She has written a very encouraging book, that will strengthen and enable others to value themselves and to be healed of the scars left by emotional, financial, sexual, physical, mental and other kinds of abuse. Her writing is Christian based, but it is very practical for all facets of society; the rich, poor, professionals, uneducated, young and old. She also brings attention to the children of DAV relationships, since her son and daughter grew up in that environment. They have published companion books relating the effects DAV had on their life. See: savagehouse.net for more information.
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