Mary Crushes the Serpent AND Begone Satan!
God’s Plan for the Present TimeThe first book, Mary Crushes the Serpent, is the author’s account of his 30 years’ experience as an exorcist. He writes: “I will first state what the demons said about the present state of the Church, and then I will relate the diabolical plans which they, according to their own admission, are keeping under cover... The object of this document is to show the maternal solicitude of the Blessed Virgin for the Church of her Divine Son, as also to publish the plan Mary seems to have adopted to come to the aid of the Church in her present plight.”The second book, Begone Satan!, is a soul-stirring account of diabolical possession in Earling, Iowa in 1928, in which a woman cursed by her own father was possessed from her 14th year until her 40th year, the year of the exorcism.From the Conclusion to the first book: “‘I cannot help but come to the conclusion that an untold number of events of our time, many of the inexplicable crimes, the general moral breakdown of human society, the contempt for and the denial of religious truths and laws are, to a great extent, to be attributed to demoniacal influences and machinations. It would be a rather hard task to convince the present world of this and to scare its people out of this sensuality. This world is returning to paganism with giant strides.’ (Godfrey Raupert, Christ and the Spirits of Darkness)... It almost seems that the millennium mentioned in Apocalypse 20, 7, is at hand: ‘Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, and shall go forth, and seduce the nations, which are over the four quarters of the earth.’ That is the truth about the great dragon, the old serpent, which will seduce the entire world (Apoc. 12, 9), the murderer of men from the beginning, the liar, the father of lies (John 8, 44). One must be blind not to recognize him by his works.“Holy Mother Church has fought unceasingly against the father of lies and deception b
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