Massage for the Mind
Massage for the Mind is a practical guide to help people use the practice of hypnotherapy to re-frame their perspective about past experiences and future possibilities. We use our marvelous imaginations to create guilt and worry, as well as feelings of not being enough. You can use your mind to benefit your outlook, rather than create fear.Too often our brains are filled with a constant chatter that raises doubts and creates anxiety. Hypnotherapy is a simple way of silencing that chatter, creating a quiet space where new perspectives can be recognized and developed. There is no magic. My clients create their own healing. I am simply their guide in the experience. I assist people and help them use their own imagination so they understand how they can be in control of their own life. The answers to their problems have been there all along. I just help them realize that and identify the solutions that have long been buried in their subconscious mind.Hypnotherapy plays a major roll in supporting optimum health. I think of it as a relaxing and healing factor for the entire body and mind. It’s a reliable method of quieting the mind while cutting out the constant brain chatter, it creates a quiet space where new perspectives can be recognized and developed. I assist people and help them use their own powers of imagination, so they can be the architects of their own lives and uncover answers that have been long buried in their subconscious mind.There is no magic, simply a state of mind that we have overlooked. My clients create their own healing; I am a guide in their experience.
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