Mayhem on the Danube
MAYHEM ON THE DANUBEA Novel by Robert LandoriBaghdad, October 2001. Chemical Ali, Saddam Husseins cousin, has a Weapon of Mass Destruction - human, new variety Creutzfeldt-Jakob (Mad Cow) Disease against which there is no known cure.Ali plans to weaponize the virus in bulk, disguised as surgical glue, at a Hungarian facility, but first needs a vaccine to protect the True Believers against this deadly virus.He learns that the Canadian scientist, Jason Moscovitch, is feverishly working on such a vaccine. Ali recruits an Al Qaeda Snatch Team, composed of Iraqi, Bosnian and Jordanian elements, who kidnap the man. When the scientist refuses to work for the extremists the team kidnaps his mother as well.Robert Lonsdale, a contract officer with the CIAs Counter-Terrorism Division, is tasked to find and free Moscovitch. To succeed, he must first penetrate the unbelievably complex web of Islamic Factionalists involved in the case and then overcome European indifference to the growing menace of international terrorism.THIS IS AN ENTIRELY PLAUSIBLE AND TOPICAL TALE.
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