Mrs. Dalloway (Warbler Classics)
Mrs. Dalloway takes place over the course of a single day in a womans life in 1920s London. There are flowers to buy, outfits to choose, but also a visit from a past lover, and the tragic fate of a young war veteran who cannot adjust to life in post-war London. Virginia Woolfs supple and mesmerizing account of an ordinary day draws the reader into the minds, perceptions, and emotions of an astonishingly varied and vivid cast of characters. Woolf reminds us that each day, hour, and even minute of our lives harbors the potential to transform us and those around us. The novel ranks among those rare, timeless books that speak to us anew with each reading. Includes Woolfs short story, Mrs. Dalloway in Bond Street, a uniquely insightful new afterword, and a detailed biographical timline.
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