Musical Hues
This is not a colouring book. It's a journey of music discovery.Each page contains an abstract music instrument that will be revealed as you follow the trail of music symbols.Not only will you be creating beautiful artworks in these colouring pages, you'll also be learning music theory along the way. Look up each term and learn a bit about it as you work through. When you're finished try to guess what the instrument is and find out about how it's played and how it sounds too!A note to teachersThe concepts in these colouring pages cover a wide range of learning levels – I wouldn't expect many students to know all of them. I hope you'll use this book as more of an exploratory tool than a "test" or "check-up" on what students already know. Even if your student doesn't know the word accelerando when they finish colouring the sheet, it's sure to sound familiar the next time they hear it. Musical Hues would be perfect to keep in the waiting room at your studio, to give to siblings when they're sitting in on a lesson or to send home over teaching breaks. Encourage your student to try and guess what the abstracted instrument is before and after they colour it in. Look up the instrument to see what it sounds like too!A note to colourersYou may come across music symbols, notes and marks that you don't know yet in the course of colouring this book. That's totally fine – you can't know everything! I encourage you to look these up as you go and find out a bit about them. Ask your teacher or parent if you're not sure exactly what the definitions mean. You might also come across some colours you've never heard of (maroon, anyone?). I've been quite descriptive and specific with the colour names so that your creations can really come to life when you're done. If there's a colour you don't have on hand, you can always make it with a bit of experimentation. For exampl
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