My Life and Journey from Homelessness and Beyond

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This book is inspired by the true story of my life and journey from homelessness and beyond. It´s an inspiring story of courage, tragedy, adventure, perseverance, determination, resilience, faith, and redemption. The story is about my life in the beginning, growing up, surviving the fire incident, and early demise of my three sisters. Life without my father; fear of my mother, and life in the navy. I suffered thirty years from low self-esteem, fear, anger, resentments, worthlessness, loneliness, hopelessness, homelessness, substance abuse, failed attempts to maintain employment, mental institutions, churches, shelters, jails, bad relationships, and marriages too! I walked in the kingdom of darkness(Hell) for thirty years determined to find myself; I finally made a final decision to get my life on track once and for all! One day, I evaluated my entire life as far as I could remember. I began to peel off the layers of my unresolved issues like a banana. I confronted the tragic death of my three sisters, which I honestly haven´t done before, for closure purposes. I confronted the anger and resentments I harbored toward my mother for her failures, including my father for abandoning me. I was angry with myself for my history of substance abuse and homelessness, also for not reaching out for help in the beginning when I should have done so. I completed an intense, detailed evaluation of my life one day. I began to cry until I was all cried out. I had enough faith to pray to God at the time. I asked God to renew in me a new heart and spirit to serve him. To be the man that he intended me to be. After I finished praying, I felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. This was my defining moment and the turning point of my life. I began to see light at the end of the tunnel! I began to seek treatment for my depression and PTSD. I attented (NA)meetings. I began to read and apply the word of God in my life daily. The wounds of my past miraculously began to heal. Over a period o
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