My Life Begins Next Monday...
Life has been hard. I’ve faced a lot of challenges over my lifetime. I had my first baby at 19 and two more by the time I was 21. Two failed marriages. Both ex-husbands had addictions of some kind. I’ve been broke and spent a night in jail. I’ve been in a car accident that almost ruined me. I’ve been dangerously close to ending my own life.And that’s not even the half of it.But I’m a survivor. And while the person I am today doesn’t much resemble the girl I was so many decades ago, her story helped shape me. It’s a part of me and always will be. God has used my struggles to prepare me for the purpose he had in mind for my life all along. And part of that purpose is sharing my story in a way that powerfully impacts those who hear it.This book has been swirling in my head and heart since I was 21 years old. I had the title in mind and everything. In fact, this book was the one hope I clung to for many days, weeks, months, and years of struggle. I used it to get myself through so many hard things. At the other end of a dark tunnel, I could see that book up ahead, calling my name.But I wasn’t ready to write it yet. I tried a few years ago, but the words I wrote left me feeling depressed when I read them. Not quite the effect I was going for.Looking back, I realize I couldn’t write my book because my story wasn’t finished (it still isn’t!). Specifically, I hadn’t made it through all seven stages of overcoming life’s obstacles: Survival, Denial, Acceptance, Motivation, Confidence, Connection, Grace.Now I have. And my story is ready to be shared with the world.Am I saying you have to experience all seven before you live your purpose or dream? No. Not at all! You can be encouraged in knowing we all struggle with finding our purpose. Whether it’s our purpose in our jobs, our relationships, or a small project.Here is what I can tell you: “I’m not there
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