My Soul Mission
Jennifer is passionate about helping students understand how God has uniquely created them. Her wisdom steers them into colleges and careers that fit who they are. For any educator who wants to help young people make an eternal impact in this world, this is your definitive tool. -Katie Brazelton, PhD, MDiv, founder of Life Purpose Coaching Centers International®, and bestselling author of Pathway to Purpose Today, it is not uncommon to hear the following statements from students: •Im scared about what the future holds.•I wish I could receive more guidance because I have to make some huge decisions.•I feel like Im constantly under pressure.•I need help focusing; I have set goals for myself, but I dont follow through.•I dont know who I am. •I dont know how to keep my priorities straight. Students today are not only under great pressure to succeed, but they are confused as to who they are and what success in their lifetime should look like. My Soul Mission is a detailed, biblically based, step-by-step guide that will help direct students in purposeful activities to steer them towards discovering their unique make-up and distinct Soul Mission.
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