Mysteries of Michigami
Lake Michigan, called Michigami by the American Indians who lived along its shores, is the third largest Great Lake (behind Superior and Huron) and the only one entirely within the United States. An estimated 10,000 vessels have gone down in the Lake, with approximately 30,000 lives lost. The Michigan Triangle has claimed its share, including the well-known steamship Alpena. Within its boundaries, strange objects and beings appear and disappear. Sea creatures have been spotted here, so have unidentified flying objects (UFOs). Ghost planes have appeared as false images on radar screens at different locations, including Chicagos OHare International Airport. Around Michigamis shoreline, gangsters have met their demise, phantoms lurk in lighthouses, inns and wineries, and creatures such as werewolves and sasquatch roam the forest land. Ordinary people have extraordinary experiences. This book contains a sampling of all of the above.
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