This book contains eight chapters that analyze and discuss different themes and topics about new educational trends in Turkey.Chapter 1 discusses the new methodological trends in higher education of Turkey. Several factors including the dynamism of internationalization having gained momentum with globalization, increasing demand on higher education, life-long learning routines, transnational student mobility, newer higher education providers, and increasing market-focused competition have affected not only the educational system in general but also institutions of higher education specifically.Chapter 2 presents STEM education, which is accepted as one of the biggest educational movements in the last decade. It is a multidisciplinary, holistic approach, which aims to train students integrally in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines.Chapter 3 introduces the socioscientific issues (SSI). Socioscientific issues are dilemmas about the environment, health, technology, and science and associated with both society and science, concerning both moral and ethical issues.Chapter 4 focuses on model-based science education: the case of Turkey. Models have crucial roles in the practice of science. In this chapter, it is given that models and modeling in science education, mental models, conceptual models, computer-based models, and model-based learning as a theoretical framework. Furthermore, some studies done about teaching science through MBL in Turkey were given as examples.Chapter 5 examines science literacy in Turkey. Science and technology are the most important indicators of improvement that countries achieved. In this century, societies have started competing against each other to be the leading country in science and technology. This chapter also discusses definition of science literacy and types of science literacy studies. Turkey is in a struggle on the international competition of science literacy appreciation by public, which is an
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