Nine Horrible Days the Story of the Kidnap of Archbishop Kattey
It was like thick darkness during the day; not an eclipse that is predicted months and days ahead, but an unexpected event, very unexpected. The fact that one serves God Almighty does not exempt him from problems, suffering etc. Job in the Bible was a righteous man, yet, he had his own share of tribulations. It is in such situations that God demonstrates His power. Such situations can lead one to an extreme: either to adhere more closely to God, or to have doubts about God and His ability to perform.Archbishop Kattey slept on bare, wet ground for nine days and nine nights, under rains and sun surrounded by unknown and dangerous people, but in all these, he held steadfastly to his faith in God. Reptiles and wild animals seemed to avoid him. The world was praying for him. Archbishop Kattey summarises everything as Its all about God.
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