No Stories to Tell
At the end of the tumultuous 1960s, Steve Sherr, a young university psychologist finds himself drowning in a sea of relative values and political correctness. Battling growing disenchantment with his profession as well as with life itself, he is desperate to find a few solid truths. He wants to tell wise stories to his children about what life is really all about, but with excruciating honesty, he realizes that he has no stories to tell.The downward spiral continues until his life takes a most unexpected turn. As he finally reaches the end of his existential rope, he experiences an overpowering spiritual awakening that sends him on an intense search for genuine enlightenment. Brimming with questions, the last place he expects to find answers is in Orthodox Judaism. The path that he warily follows holds more than a few surprises.This is a tale filled with humor and mystery, insight and doubt, and Steve conveys it all with wry candor. Now he has a story to tell and he's willing to share it. Steve's sparkling memoir invites readers of all persuasions to accompany him on this remarkable journey of discovery and inspiration. It's a trip worth taking.
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