Of Feathers and Friends
Nobody loves me. Everybody hates me. Im gonna go eat worms. While Tyler knew he wouldnt really eat worms, he did not feel loved. His parents sent him to live with his grandmother when they separated. Was he angry? You bet. Was he confused? Absolutely. Where did he fit in? He didnt know any more. After an argument with his grandmother, Tyler decided to run away. Ill show them I can take care of myself. Tyler Andrews doesnt need anyone!Tyler grabbed his piggy bank and his Dads Navy ring and ran out the back door. He ran until he couldnt run any further. Too stubborn to turn back, he walked further and further into the woods behind grandmas house, scolding himself because he hadnt thought this plan all the way through. And it would be dark soon. Tyler looked up and saw a flash of red. What was it? What luck! It was a flag waving from a window of a tree house. A tree house! Climbing up the ladder nailed into the tree, Tylers resolve to take care of himself returned. Nothing would change his mind now. Really? What would happen when Cody and Jenna find him? What would happen when he meets Melody? Will these neighbor kids turn him in? What will he do with the wounded sparrow he finds beneath the tree house?Follow Tyler on his adventure to find his place in this world. Laugh or cry with him, whatever you need to do. You might just find youve grown up a little, too.
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