Our Exclusive Society
Inclusive design is the practice of making a product, service, or environment optimized for inclusion. Almost any system that has people as its end-user can benefit from inclusive design.Our Exclusive Society: Pathways Toward Inclusion by Design takes a look at many exclusive areas of modern society and the leaders that are inclusifying them. In this book, youll read amazing stories from people like:Dr. Lauren Bricker, a leading woman in tech and how she creates inclusive communities at work.Lynsay Whelan, an occupational therapist who uses local resources to design life changing prosthetic devices.Bhargavi Rao, an environmental scientist who fights to raise awareness of human and constitutional rights for her fellow citizens. Our Exclusive Society is for anyone who creates experiences. Its a starting point for thinking about the communities you belong to and the ways in which theyre designed. Heres the first step to building our inclusive society.
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