Philosophy And Fun Of Algebra
PHILOSOPHY AND FUN OF ALGEBRA WORKS BY MARY EVEREST BOOLE LOGIC TAUGHT BY LOVE. 35. 6d. net. MATHEMATICAL PSYCHOLOGY OF GRATRY AND BOOLE FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS. 35. 6d. net. BOOLES PSYCHOLOGY AS A FACTOR IN EDUCATION. 6d. net. THE MESSAGE OF PSYCHIC SCIENCE TO THE WORLD. 35. 6d. net. MISTLETOE AND OLIVE, is. 6d, net. Miss EDUCATION AND HER GARDEN. 6d net. PHILOSOPHY AND FUN OF ALGEBRA. 2s. net. C. W. DANIEL. THE PREPARATION OF THE CHILD FOR SCIENCE. 2s. THE LOGIC OF ARITHMETIC. 2s. CLARENDON PRESS. PHILOSOPHY FUN OF ALGEBRA BY MARY EVEREST BOOLE AUTHOR OF PREPARATION OP THE CHILD FOR SCIENCE, ETC. LONDON C. W. DANIEL , 1 1 CURSITOR STREET, B. C. 909 tco BASIL AND MARGARET MY DEAR CHILDREN, A young monkey named Genius picked a green walnut, and bit, through a bitter rind, down into a hard shell. He then threw the walnut away, saying u How stupid people are They told me walnuts are good to eat. His grandmother, whose name was Wisdom, picked up the walnut peeled off the rind with her fingers, cracked the shell, and shared the kernel with her grandson, saying Those get on best in life who do not trust to first impressions. In some old books the story is told differently the grand mother is called Mrs Cunning-Greed, and she eats all the kernel herself. Fables about the Cunning-Greed family are written to make children laugh. It is good for you to laugh it makes you grow strong, and gives you the habit of understanding jokes and not being made miserable by them. But take care not to believe such fables because, if you believe them, they give you bad dreams. MARY EVEREST BOOLE. January 1909. CONTENTS CHAP. p A GE 1. FROM ARITHMETIC TO ALGEBRA . . 9 2. THE MAKING OF ALGEBRAS . . . 15 3. SIMULTANEOUS PROBLEMS. . . . 1 9 4. PARTIAL SOLUTIONS AND THE PROVISIONAL ELIMINATION OF ELEMENTS OF COM PLEXITY ...... 23 5. MATHEMATICAL CERTAINTY AND REDUCTIO AD ABSURDUM ..... 26 6. THE FIRST HEBREW ALGEBRA ... 29 7. HOW TO CHOOSE OUR HYPOTHESES . . 37 8. THE LIMITS OF THE TEACHERS FUNCTIO
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