Policy, Leadership, and Student Achievement
A volume in The Achievement Gap, Research, Practice, and PolicyC. Kent McGuire and Vivian W. Ikpa, Series EditorsThis is the second book in the series examining student achievement. The chapters in thisbook reflect the scholarly papers presented at the July 2006 Education Policy, LeadershipSummer Institute (EPLSI) by K-16 educators, researchers, community advocates, andpolicymakers who work in urban communities. The Institute serves as a place where individualsinterested in scholarly discussions and research directly related to: (1) how datacan be utilized to inform policy; (2) examining the urban school context from the perspectivesof the polity, school leaders; students; and other related internal and external actors;and (3) identifying strategies for improving student academic achievement can gather.During this week-long Institute, participants examined the structural problems and policy tensions affecting urban communitiesand student achievement. The Institutes theme, Meeting the Challenges of Urban Schools is reflected throughout thisbook. Specifically, this edition explores the interrelated aspects of policy, practice and research and how they affect academicachievement.The five sections in this book examine different challenges facing urban schools and their impact on student performance.
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