Post - Apocalyptic World
The year is 2173. About ninety-five percent of the population is unemployed. Only the wealthy, the one percent own homes. The rest are living on the streets, or in churches that have been abandoned decades ago with the downfall of religion. Normal food is scarce. Instead, people feed on High-Energy Plankton Wafers, called Red Wafers, produced from red Plankton and other algae growing in seawater.Global warming killed off apple trees, strawberry bushes, and bumblebees. No one has seen a bird in a hundred years. The ozone layer is almost gone, and the sky is filled with a greenish-brown haze that burns the retinas. The United States government collapsed during the riots of 2095, and the United Nations stepped in to restore order. The UN created the Global World Corp, which not only developed red plankton but also maintains order. The GWC is controlled by the one percenters. The world nourished by Red Plankton does not seem to mind. There is no currency in the new economy; pleasures like alcohol, tobacco, and even candy are bartered on the black market. Soap, toothpaste, and shampoo are no longer available. New York and Boston entangled by each other, sprawls have merged into a single municipality of one hundred million people called New Boston. Because food shortages are reappearing, the GWC is developing a new green plankton water. Hundreds of refugees a day are flooding into New Boston City.Captain Charlton Heston of the Riot Police and his mentor Mark Evans are called to investigate the murder of a member of the one percent, fearing a renew of the riots, the GWC is pressuring Heston to quickly solve the murder. Evidence the pair uncover, however, leads to the very top of GWC.
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