Pretty Things
TY:Pretty Thing--the moment Liam McKinney first uttered those words will be embedded in my mind forever.He's mysterious, intriguing...and off-limits since he's my father's friend.Easier said than done.The moment I laid eyes on the man with the dark eyes and intense stare, he awoke a primal hunger within me unlike anything I'd ever experienced before. For some time, I've been confused about my attraction toward men, but there's no confusion when I look at him--just pure, unfettered desire to feel his body against mine, taste his flesh, breathe in his scent.So many things an experienced man like Liam could show me.But I don't just want to sate my desire for his body--the physique of a Titan, those abs practically chiseled from stone, and one particular challenge that looks more than slightly intimidating...Yes, I want all that, but also so much more. To know everything about him. There's something behind the facade he presents to the world. Sometimes, it's as though I'm offered a glimpse behind the smokescreen--to who he really is. Yet it's tricky to know the real Liam when he's determined to keep his secrets.I assumed he had a dark past.But I didn't realize he hadn't left it behind and that I'd wind up roped into it--into a dangerous world so different from the one I've spent most my life living.It's a world of secrets, deception, and peril.I quickly discover there's a price to being with Liam McKinney.But no price is too great when the reward is being the man in his arms and his heart.Being his very own Pretty Thing.*Pretty Things features two men who can't get enough of each other, action/adventure involving secret government agencies and nefarious conspiracies, and sexy shenanigans that'll make it impossible for you to forget you're in a Devon McCormack novel. The book contains references to suicidal ideation and scenes of peril that could act as triggers
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