Proven Not Perfect
“Proven Not Perfect: 7 Truths of a Corporate Executive, Mommy, Wife, and Christian,” is a book of encouragement and inspiration for those who are driven to live their best life, while serving multiple roles. The subject of the book is the author, a 26-year corporate businesswoman, who is married with 3 kids. On the outside, it may appear that she is tireless and fearless, but privately she struggles with managing fears, frustrations, and regrets.In these journal excerpts, we connect with the author personally. The author anchors the reader around 7 lessons, allowing the reader to move from their own personal connections to a more discrete lesson learned by the author in key areas, including: inspiration, confidence, drive, fortitude, humility, optimism and courage. Each lesson ends with what the author calls a thought ‘instigator’, encouraging the reader to self-reflect for a more fulfilled journey of his or her own. 
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