Russian People - Revolutionary Recollections
RUSSIAN MUSIC From the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century by B. V. Asafev Igor 1 Glebov Translated from the Russian by Alfred J. Swan Published for American Council of Learned Societies by J. W. Edwards, Publisher Ann Arbor, Michigan FOREWORD The Russian Translation Project of the American Council of Learned Societies was organized in 1944 with the aid of a subsidy from the Rockefeller Foundation. The aim of the Project is the translation into English of significant works in the field of the humanities and the social sciences which pro vide an insight into Russian life and thought. Since Russian history is a continuum, the volumes trans lated are of various dates and have been drawn from both the prerevolutionary and postrevolutionary periods, from writ ings published inside and outside of Russia, the choice depend ing solely on their value to the fundamental aim of the Pro ject. Translations are presented in authentic and unabridged English versions of the original text. Only in this way, it is believed, can American readers be made aware of the tradi tions, concepts, and ideologies by which the thinking and at titudes of the people of Russia are molded. The first eleven volumes in the series were published only after the original translators texts were subjected to a thor ough editorial revision, annotation, correction, or refinement. With the termination of available funds on December 31, 1951 it is no longer possible to give the remaining titles, of which this is one, the same degree of editorial supervision accorded the first eleven volumes. This and the other volumes in the series to be published are, however, documentary material which will be useful to scholars and others more interested in their factual content than in the niceties of their presenta tion. They are, therefore, deserving of publication. With this reservation, it is believed that these works faithfully represent the Russian originals and serve to pro vide that insight into Russian life and th
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