Saint Leander, Archbishop of Seville
Saint Leander, Archbishop of Seville describes the life of Leander, who brought the Catholic faith to Spain in the late sixth century, becoming a saint after his death in c. 600 AD. Despite inheriting great wealth and his sisters exposure to high society, Leander became a monk and persuaded his sister to give up wealth and opportunities for marriage in order to become a nun. Detailing how he persuaded her to join a convent and his celebration of his countrys acceptance of the true faith, this book provides a new perspective of Leanders Byzantine parents and two brothers, Fulgentius and Isidore. When besieged by the Arian king, Liuvigild, Leanders parents and sister escaped to Carthage. Later in life, Leander taught Isidore to take over after him in Seville.
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