Salvation Isnt Free... Its Been Paid For!
What should you do about the purple bunnies in this world? Do you mean to tell me you havent seen a purple bunny before? Ah, you say, Im smart enough to know a lie when I see it. There are no such things as purple bunnies. You may think you know when someone is lying to you, but do you know when Satan, the great deceiver, is lying to you? He has twisted society into believing and endorsing so many of his lies, and as Christians we need to make sure we can stand against his attacks and spot falsehoods when they are presented to us.In Salvation Isnt Free... ITS BEEN PAID FOR! the author addresses some of the lies that Satan tells us, and the promises that God has given us in the Bible. If we are going to withstand the attacks of the devil and his machine, we must be firmly rooted in God and His Word.Make sure you arent tricked into believing a lie. Read Salvation Isnt Free... ITS BEEN PAID FOR! today.
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