Saving is Sexy!
If you were to look at two people who looked fairly similar and had equally pleasant personalities but you knew something more about each one of them, which one would be more attractive? The one with substantial credit card debt, or the one with no credit card debt? How about between someone with massive student loans, or someone with little or no student loans? And who would you think is the more attractive person between someone with an investment account compared to someone who has absolutely no money saved at all?In a random survey, the results were unanimous. The person with better financial standing was considered more attractive by everyone who answered the question. So there you have it, money matters and Saving is Sexy! People may think its shallow to apply the laws of attraction to money but theres a method to the madness. One universal truth is that we all want to be attractive and it turns out that positive financial behavior is a very attractive trait. The beauty of this book is that it will be short and sweet and people will become sexier for having read it. When talking about sermons my grandfather used to say No souls saved after ten minutes. Im not sure I can say everything Id like to say in ten minutes but Ill try.
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