Fairy Tales! Its a rare American indeed, one now grown to adulthood, 30 to 50 years old that was never tucked in snug and cozy to be read a fairy tale or two; or two thousand maybe? Face it, we all know the standards. Many of us could give the basic details of the most well-known. I mean check it out! You got your basic slobbering, whimpering princess. But dont worry; it looks like the bum stalking her is only in it for jewels, not blood. Besides, all them little lady types end up saved by shining knights of some ilk. Speaking of knights, do we have enough wolves in these tales? Weve got more wolves in fairy tales than NYCs got Sharks and Jets. Right?The fact that these stories are entrenched in our minds makes fantasy authors crazy. Over the past centuries fantasy writers have tried their best to save the genre; sending fresh blood pulsing through its ancient veins. Hopeful writers have fooled around with the traditional. They subverted scenes, punctured plotlines, contorted characters, misaligned alliances, and even had the nerve to fool with finales. Is there no Literature God?!This author has thought how to invigorate fantasy. His wife has 30 years working in the Active Adult Industry. One night over dinner he mentioned Cinderella. She instantly replied, You mean, Seniorella, dont you? Well, a seed was planted, a switch flipped. Why not fairy tales, but aged just like us? Everything old . . . is new again . . . is old again!
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