Set Yourself Free
Every so often, people get inspired to break out of their vicious unhappy life cycle and motivate themselves to make changes, only to give up frustrated after a few weeks. It doesnt have to be that way. In Set Yourself Free, Daydream it...Believe it... Achieve it! readers will be able to follow a clear path to make the changes necessary to achieve their own definition of success and happiness. If you are feeling stuck and cant seem to get over the hump, this book is a powerful call to action and practical guide to help you fulfill your potential and achieve success and happiness. Two out of three people are not satisfied with the direction their lives are taking and fail to grasp the opportunities in front of them to lead vibrant, genuine and purposeful lives. This book will help get you on track to pursue your daydreams, overcome the paralysis that fear of change causes, and do what you love for the rest of your life. Set Yourself Free teaches how to: Conquer procrastination, Stay focused on your goals, Turn negative influencers into positive action steps, and Get organized and follow through. This book gives you the road map to achieve your rightful place as a joyful, fulfilled individual. It takes courage to recognize the need for personal change, but if you take it one day and one task at a time, and forge ahead with commitment and confidence, you can accomplish great things!
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