Show Business
Throughout the United States, businesses compete for the attention of buyers by presenting their products in striking, often outrageous, ways at trade shows. In Show Business, ex-trade show photographer Ron Schramm presents a collection of black-and-white photographs displaying the theatrical ways in which these products are marketed to American businesses, and to America. The images in this volume include selected exhibits and photographic editorials that visually reported the shows for trade newspapers and show organizers. Because trade shows are an integral opportunity for businesses to sell their goods and services, businesses are willing to do just about anything to get peoples attention. Sometimes quirky but always interesting, Schramms images present the spectacles that come with the trade show experience, from twenty-foot-tall cola bottles to a van display surrounded by women dressed in spacesuits. Show Business is a distinctive compilation of images that offers an insiders look at business-and creativity-at work.
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