Silence of the Piano Sings
SILENCE OF THE PIANO SINGS It is a splendid, magnificent and well written piece of art Syre has given us. Aleja Bennett: Poetess A colourfully spun web, almost invisible, has been dropped onto the landscape of verse in Silence of the Piano Sings. Lets welcome Syres bold gesture of involvement with the post-modern verse! Anna Mendelssohn: Poetess & Writer Syres poems are compact and thought provoking. He has the capacity to think and feel with craft to structure the same in verse. His I Keep on Taking Puffs at My Life particularly reminds me a line of T.S. Eliot, I have measured out my life with coffee spoons. I find Syres poetry touching and delightful at the same time. Amjad Islam Amjad: Poet In Silence of the Piano Sings, Syre reads us biography of human. Zeejay: Educationist & Writer What an elegant and modern way Syre has to bring the classics all into one place through his poetry! Anthony Watkins: Poet I think Syre exceeds many in his talent. Jason Robinson: Poet
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