Smart Music Working
?55% OFF for Bookstores! NOW at $23.95 instead of $34.95!? Are you an artist in the music industry and want to learn new ways to work from home while waiting for concerts and live events to resume? If the answer is YES then read on ... Your Customers Will Never Stop to Use this Awesome book!Even in music the time has come to look for new solutions and above all new business models to exploit the positive (but also negative) sides of the growth of the Internet with an eye towards the future. We are witnessing a transition phase, probably the music industry will change quickly, consequently the artists who will succeed will be those who will be able to adapt to the changes first. You have to quickly learn new skills and put them into practice immediately. The music sector is extremely competitive, supply exceeds demand and now even the web could become a difficult place. Probably the offer of online music content will increase exponentially but this must absolutely not be a brake for those who want to start developing something new.In fact, the word crisis has a double meaning: danger and opportunity. We all would like to find the solution to the problem, so despite all the difficulties we must try to take action and react.This manual will provide you with some tips and ideas to make creative money on the web directly from home, specifically you will find topics such as: ·       The artists work in Smart Working·       The importance of nurturing relationships and networking·       7 practical things artists can do while struggling financially·       The various sources of income from which one could draw·       The collateral musical gains We know perfectly well that the data is bleak, but the future depends on what we do in the present. Now its our job to start becoming SM
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