Some Little Night Musings
Critical Praisefor Hyatt Carters previous bookThinking Is the Best Way to TravelHyatt Carter has now shared stations along the way of his intellectual experiences in his Thinking is the Best Way to Travel: Essays along the Journey. Carter is that rare creature, an independent polymath, the scarcity of which in the epoch of specialization has severely scarred contemporary life. There are dabblers aplenty, but the polymath in full flow is an exciting phenomenon. David Spooner, author of The Metaphysics of Insects and Other Essays Thinking Is the Best Way to Travel was not just any journey, it was the best kind of vacation, a vacation from myself and the usual ways I see and know myself and the world around me. I am intrigued by life-development transitions and how they facilitate new structures of reasoning and the freedom to find new mutualities of self-other knowing. This book is a wonderful way of making that journey without purposefully intending to do any of this.Dr. William Kent Larkin, author of Growing The Positive Mind and Director of The Applied Neuroscience Institute The best thing about the book is that it is enjoyable to read. It proceeds at a measured pace, without tight, convoluted thinking that one has to fight his way through. I like the cadence; it has a nice pace and rhythm. This is an interesting book that gives one the sense of a life spent in thoughtful reading and reflection.W. K. Maples, mathematician, Marshall Space Flight CenterHyatt Carter has a skillful way of making philosophical concepts easy to comprehend. I find myself taking notes while reading, looking up some of cited authors on the Internet, and ordering their books.Ramón Barayón, author of A Planetary Sojourn and A Death in Zamora
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