Sophie the Clown in Crinkle Town
Sophie Ah Choo is a spirited young clown in the world of Circus Land. She lives quite happily with her parents in Snuggle-Ville, a neighbourhood in the capital city, Topsy-Turvy. She attends clown school and spends time with her friends and her dog, Noodles. She is safe and content-until her world is turned upside down by an evil mastermind. Maximilian is the wicked ringleader of the Wonderfully Spectacular Circus in Crinkle Town. He sends his nasty recruits, Mrs. X and Mr. Y, to Snuggle-Ville to kidnap clowns for his show. Sophies parents catch the attention of the kidnappers, and soon her mother and father have been taken to Crinkle Town! Sophie is determined to do anything to save her parents from Maximilian. She must leave her happy home in Snuggle-Ville and make her way to Crinkle Town. Along the way, shell have to follow her heart, face her fears, and do her best on this quest of a lifetime.
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