Stitches in Time
Leba Wine on Her Novel,Stitches in TimeISBN 978-09773070-2-9 312 pages, $16.50“I realized, in my middle years,” says Leba Wine, “that I was of the last generation to hear first- hand Jewish Eastern European immigrant history from the lips of those who had made the trip to America. My head was full of tales told to me by my grandmother. I had my mother’s diaries full of stories. Best of all, I had the quilt made by my grandmother and great-grandmother, made in the late 1800’s in Pennsylvania. The imagery sewn on it would come to represent the stories of hope and hardships that accompanied my ancestors to this land. I wanted my chil- dren to know the hearty stock they came from, and so I began by writing on three-by-five cards for them to read. After ten cards, I knew that my children would never curl up with them to while-away a rainy afternoon, so I decided to write a novel, a biography, of the quilt itself.”Stitches in Time begins in the mid-19th century, in Bohemia, with the author’s great- grandmother Liebe about to marry a boy named Adolph from her village. Her beloved is conscripted into the army of the Holy Roman Empire and disappears into the Franco-Prussian War. Liebe goes to Prague but does not find his name on the list of the dead; she stays to watch a parade of the returning victorious. To her shock, she sees Adolph in full regalia leading the Hussars, a regiment usually forbidden to Jews (fast forward to the sewing of the quilt—a Hessian soldier clothed in a black uniform upon a black horse—his plume, epaulets and spurs picked out in silver thread). He rides to her side and she faints in his arms. They marry, leave their peasant village and manage the estate and whiskey distillery for Adolph’s commanding officer. Liebe’s young husband is killed in a tragic accident, and she remarries, to a widower who promises to raise her three children. His sons chain her twelve-year-old daughter
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