Stormy Brain
Stormy Brain is full of quotes, idioms, expressions, short stories and poems. Such as......... Expressions and sayings..... • You have to laugh to keep from crying. • Whatever you do in life, remember, to be good at it Quiz of The Day....... • Whats the difference between hot chocolate and coffee? Best of my Quotations.... • A lie dont care who tell it and how it is told. • When life throws you a lemon, then you can turn around and make a pitcher of lemonade. All material is inspirational and it can be used on any given day to inspire you and help lead you on the right track. It is motivational as well. We need to stay motivated. If a quote or poem can help you, then my book has accomplished what I set out to do. It can be done by putting your mind to work, I learned and is still learning, by writing.
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