Is there untapped potential in your team? Leaders and organizations are always on the hunt for new ways to increase productivity. Weve been trying for decades to entice more productivity from our teams with little success. Its time for new thinking on team productivity. Team members join forces when they can fully contribute. Engagement builds through productivity. Using the four laws of contribution, follow the cognitive path your team takes to connect together and build the team they want to be on.Introducing the PowerTeam Compass,™ a simple and effective process to inspire, connect and organize a high-performing team. Set off in the right direction through four critical conversations together: North: INSPIRE. Build excitement for your teams mission & strategy. Learn how your team can catch the spark to be part of something bigger than themselves.East: ENGAGE. Tap into the potential of every member. Connect each person to your mission to bring their best effort.South: SUPPORT. Reduce roadblocks and find efficiencies. Discover what your team needs to be successful. West: GROW. Create a culture that monitors progress and welcomes feedback. Help your team learn and grow to do even more!Use the PowerTeam Compass to build a powerful team by:?building a winning spirit?planning an efficient execution strategy?removing the potential for waste and frustration?focusing the team on success.Discover your own leadership SUPERPOWER! Discover the source of your leadership power and release it. Learn the four leadership gifts youve been given to share. Build a team that inspires confidence and opportunity for people to bring their best every day. Whether you lead a small team or a multinational organization, you can build a powerful team.
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