Surviving Jail and Rebuilding Your Life
Survive jail and rebuild your life. Essential, authentic information for a first time jail experience. Learn what to expect from arrest, through to incarceration and release. Understand each stage of the criminal justice system. Important, firsthand knowledge and tips on how to navigate jail and rebuild an offender’s life. Exposes the shocking violence occurring in jails. Reveals the counterproductive nature of the penal system. See the light at the end of the dark tunnel, and gain hope and encouragement for your future. Coaches first time offenders and their families through each step of their difficult journey. Experience God’s amazing miracle working power, and restoration of a broken life.As a deterrent, this book should be read by any men or women who are engaged in a lifestyle or activities that could result in them being arrested, and sentenced to jail. By reading the reality of what they would face, hopefully they will be frightened enough to stop what they are doing, and seek help in order to avoid the inevitable pain, stress and consequences.The information in the book is also of value to counsellors who have clients who are either facing jail time, or doing something that could result in arrest and conviction. Hopefully, by reading the book their clients will benefit by knowing in advance what they will be going through.For lawyers, duty counsel, paralegals and others working in the justice system who have a client, or know someone facing jail time, the information in this book could be a lifesaver for that individual.Once released from jail, it’s a hard road to recovery and rebuilding one’s life. The author’s personal recovery experience points the way to a successful recovery journey.
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