Swedish Frequency Dictionary - Essential Vocabulary
The Core Vocabulary of Swedish<p> With this book, you will learn Swedish fast and efficiently: This book contains practical vocabulary for both spoken and written Swedish.  <p> Intended for beginners and intermediate students, this book covers vocabulary roughly from CEFR A1 (complete beginner) to B1 (somewhat proficient). <p> To help you become fluent fast, each entry in this book contains  <p> • English translation(s)<br> • Swedish to English example sentences<br> • detailed Part of Speech information. <br> <p> <b>Why Study By Frequency?:</b> <p> Not all words are created equal. Some words are used more than other, and are thus more valuable to know. The secret to becoming fluent fast in a language, is by learning the right vocabulary.  <p> Studies have shown that the most used 2.500 words account for 92% of all spoken Swedish, and 82% of all written Swedish text.  <p> <b>How Much Vocabulary Do You Need To Know?</b> <p>While it’s important to note it’s impossible to pin down these numbers and statistics with 100% accuracy, these are a global average of multiple sources. According to scientific research, this is the amount of vocabulary needed for varying levels of fluency: <p> • 250 words: the essential core of a language. Without these words, you cannot construct sentences.<br> • 750 words: those that are used every single day by every person who speaks the language. <br> • 2500 words: those that should enable you to express everything you could possibly want to say, although some creativity might be required. <br> • 5000 words: the active vocabulary of native speakers without higher education. You will understand 95% of all written texts. <br> •
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