Synergy activity of prodigiosin isolated from Serratia marcescens
The antimicrobial properties of prodigiosin have often been questioned, particularly because of the high concentrations required for it to be effective, as these exceed the levels causing toxicity in mammalian cells. For this reason, it has been studied in greater depth for its use in anticancer and immunosuppressive therapy, than as an agent to fight infectious agents. The interest in prodigiosin as a drug is demonstrated by the number of reports in the literature from the different fields concerned, as well as by the explorations of its complexation, and encapsulation, for both drug-delivery and to enhance its activity. As of today, it is relevant to implement alternative methods of treatment of infections caused by different microorganisms and to develop combined approaches for the treatment of infectious diseases. The combined approach distinguished by the use of two or more therapies for the treatment of infectious diseases. Its advantage is the ability to overcome the individual limitations of each active substance.
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