The 10 Things
“It’s great being here on Sunday morning, but how do I get more God into my life during the week?” That was the question asked of the author by a friend after worship service one Sunday morning. She shares, "Fueled perhaps by too much caffeine earlier in the day, though hopefully Spirit led and inspired, I found myself with notebook and pen in hand at 12:23am, writing a letter about what had worked for me in my own faith journey. Whether what I did would work for someone else, I didn’t know. I just knew I had to write it down before I could sleep."  The 10 Things is the essence of that letter, plus a good bit more. It is an invitation to dive more deeply into your walk of faith. Mimi shares with honesty and a touch of humor her own experiences in seeking a closer walk with God, finding her way from a traditional Lutheran experience to an Evangelical Christian church.Mimi Schlichter is an artist, author, and musician. She is passionate about faith, family, and friends. More information at MimisArt.com. Blog at TheSacredThings.com.
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