The Cursed Canoe
Professor Molly investigates a mysterious paddling accident and discovers it isn’t just business majors who cheat to get what they want. Whether it’s moving up in the college rankings or securing a seat in the big canoe race, some people will do whatever it takes...even if it means sinking the competition.Praise for The Cursed CanoeThe Cursed Canoe has a little something for everyone: a slick mystery, and intrepid heroine, some comic relief.~Back Porchervations ...an enjoyable light read...~Cassidy Salem Reads & Writes It's written really well, is very engaging and entertaining with the right dose of humor and sarcasm. The plot is clever and well woven, the dialogue is brilliant.~LibriAmoriMiei  The author's writing is impeccable. Suspense mixed with humor. The dialogue flows with an island accent.~Laura's Interests  It's well written; the characters are nicely rounded, and the situation with the college finances are all too understandable.~Author, Jemima Pett  The author gives us the seedier side of Hawaii in her Molly Barda Mystery series. It's not the tropical paradise the tourists see, but rather the harsher reality of island life-high cost of living, high humidity, and the horrors of Academia.~Cozy Up With Kathy
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